Our Team

Jordana (she/her)

I have been teaching Pilates in Canberra for over six years, and am now the owner and principal teacher at Feel Better Pilates.

I was first introduced to Pilates by a work friend in early 2011. This was the gateway to building a regular Pilates practice and later the addition of regular weight training.

Aside from sharing the love of Pilates I enjoy picking up heavy shit, swearing when my mum wishes I wouldn’t, collecting pets, walking around lakes, buying tropical plants that are entirely unsuitable for the Canberra climate and talking about my chooks.

I dislike being stuck behind slow walking people, refrigerated tomatoes and stepping on Lego. You can learn more about me and my qualifications here.

Rosanna (she/her)

I started doing Pilates around 2013 on and off for a few years, it wasn’t until 2018 that I really started doing Pilates more frequently. I love how Pilates is a form of exercise that EVERYONE can do, works all parts of the body, you have autonomy to make it harder or easier depending on how you feel that day and the way it makes you feel afterwards.

As an introvert, public speaking was always something that made me anxious so the thought of teaching Pilates was never something that I thought I could ever do. That was until one day after a class with Jordana, she asked the question: ‘Have you thought about teaching Pilates?’ Short answer was yes, but I never took any action (I was too afraid I wouldn’t be good at it) and just buried the thought. Then when the whole world went into chaos and studios started closing due to lockdown in 2020, I needed a way to continue doing Pilates which was when I actually thought about doing a Pilates course. In August 2020 I enrolled into a Certificate IV Pilates teaching course, within 8 months I became a qualified Mat & Reformer Pilates instructor and here I am at Feel Better Pilates doing what I never would have imagined doing, teaching Pilates!

In addition to English I am comfortable speaking and assisting people in conversational Cantonese and Mandarin.

Wenna (she/her)

I have been doing Pilates for over 20 years, after finding a late night infomercial for some Pilates dvds, and qualified as a Pilates instructor in 2020 after a thirteen-and-a-bit year career teaching pole dancing. I am deeply passionate about helping people to feel comfortable in themselves for now and the future - I don’t believe in benchmarking ourselves against past versions of ourselves, or past lifestyle demands. When not teaching Pilates I’m usually playing video games or looking after my vegetable garden. 

My favourite move: the mermaid. 

I hold the following qualifications: Cert IV in Pilates (Mat and Reformer), Bachelor of Behavioural Sciences (Psychology), Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition.

Pilates reformer teacher Jade at Feel Better Pilates studio

Jade (she/her/they/them)

I’ve enjoyed Pilates as a movement for over 20 years, and finally took the plunge into teaching in 2022. I’ve worked at several different studios in Canberra and am excited to be a part of the Feel Better community. I also hold a diploma in Health Science - nutritional medicine and love the new research coming out about how important gut health could be to the entire body’s wellbeing.

I am late diagnosed autistic and enjoy diving down the many rabbit holes of information about the things that interest me at the time. I’ve been studying Portuguese for the last 3 years (thanks to a pandemic hobby) and hope to continue perfecting my conversational skills.

In my free time I also enjoy reading all the books, tending to my many indoor plants, and convincing my disabled galah that my feet are friends not enemies.

You’ll find me in studio on Tuesdays Thursdays for now, with my favourite reformer flows involving legs! Give me side splits, squats, lunges, legs in straps any day.

Sarah (she/her)

I have enjoyed Pilates as my favourite form of movement for years and have recently completed my reformer teacher’s qualification. Outside of Pilates I work in a stressful environment and was seeking a role that made me feel fulfilled while also at peace.  I love how Pilates creates such a fun, inclusive and open community of people. It has been the form on exercise I’ve always found the most liberating as everyone can do it and you can adjust its difficulty based on how you’re feeling that day.

When I’m not doing Pilates I also work as an Emergency Nurse, enjoy hanging out with my fur child, adventuring interstate or overseas and reading.

I am honoured that Jordana has welcomed me into the team and feel so grateful to be taught and inspired by some boss women. I can’t wait to meet you all!

Bruna (she/her)

I am Brazilian, and I have been living in Australia since March 2023. I have a degree in Physiotherapy and took my Pilates course in Brazil in 2010, and since then, I have been working teaching classes in studios and clinics. I really enjoy working with people and encouraging them to move. I love seeing the results and the increase in quality of life that Pilates provides in our daily lives. Additionally, I love dogs and currently work at a dog day care. They are like children; I usually have about 20 dogs in the same area, and just as they make me very happy with their affection, they drive me crazy in equal measure.

I am very happy for the opportunity to work with something I love so much, and to learn even more from the Feel Better team and Jordana. For me, it's like living a dream, and I am eager to share my daily life with all of you.

In addition to English I am comfortable speaking and teaching people in Portuguese.

Sneha (she/her)

I started doing Pilates on and off after I finished university. It was only in 2023 that I decided to pursue Pilates as my main form of exercise. From there, I grew to love Pilates and decided to undertake my reformer qualification. I ended up speaking to Jordana and she happily agreed to let me complete my course hours at Feel Better Pilates. I have since completed my course and I am now a qualified instructor. 

When I am not doing Pilates, I work as a project manager (construction client side). I love reading, cooking, taking care of my plants and patting random dogs. And like every typical Canberran, I often run down to the coast to enjoy a sunny beach day.  

With everyday adult life in this crazy chaotic world, Pilates has become my little moment away from the madness. Come join me on this little journey 

Susan (she/her)

I was first introduced to Pilates 25 years ago, and I’ve continued practising on and off through the years. During a break from my ‘day job’, I finally decided to take the leap and enrolled in Pilates Instructor training.

I’m addicted to endurance running and constantly being talked into signing up for yet another marathon/ultramarathon. I then spend the next 3 to 4 months running non-stop during my training. I also love being outdoors (but I don’t do camping), and moving, in whatever form that takes on the day.

When I’m regularly practicing Pilates, I find my life is more balanced. I look forward to sharing my passion for Pilates, and movement in general, with you.

Jemma (she/her)

I first started doing Pilates over 20 years ago, as a respite from my busy corporate job. I loved the mental and physical space that it gave me to learn and practise the exercises, and I enjoyed the challenges it presented. Over the years, I continued to practise Pilates on and off, and in 2011 I completed my first teacher training. Since then, I’ve completed additional certifications, including a Diploma of Clinical Pilates.  

I love that Pilates is a form of exercise that is accessible to everyone. With Pilates, every day, every exercise, every body, every movement is different, special and unique. I look forward to moving with you!

When I’m not doing Pilates, I enjoy jogging (slowly, when the weather is good, and when the magpies aren’t swooping!) and trying to convince my two teenagers that I’m cool.